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Social Program - Wednesday, 22 June 2022
Welcome cocktail and visit to Politecnico di Milano Wind Tunnel facility
Where: Bovisa Campus, Building B19
When: 16.30-19.00
Technical Program - Thursday, 23 June 2022
Where: Leonardo Campus, Building 13 ("Trifoglio"), 2nd floor
8.40-9.00 |
Conference opening - Room Colombo (T.2.1) |
Donatella Sciuto, Executive Vice Rector of Politecnico di Milano |
Marcello Capra, Italian Ministry of the Ecological Transition (MITE) |
9.00-9.40 |
Plenary Session I - Room Colombo (T.2.1) |
9.00-9.20 |
Stephan Barth, International Energy Agency"s Wind Technology Collaboration Program (IEA Wind TCP) |
9.20-9.40 |
Paula Nardone, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) |
9.45-11.00 |
Regular sessions |
Modeling and Control I |
Business Development |
Resource, siting, acceptance |
Chair: Ahmad Hably |
Chair: Roland Schmehl |
Chair: Michael McWilliam |
9.45-10.00 |
Kernel-based Identification of Periodically Parameter-Varying Models of Power Kites Mingzhou Yin, ETH Zurich |
Airborne wind energy development database Roland Schmehl, TU Delft |
Comparison of Two Data-driven Airborne Wind Energy Oriented Long-term Weather Forecast Methods Zhixin Feng, TU Delft |
10.00-10.15 |
Safety-Critical Hybrid Control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems Nikolaus Vertovec, University of Oxford |
Rapidly Deployable Airborne Wind Energy Systems for Defense and Disaster Response Eric J. Lang, University of Dayton Research Institute |
The Airborne Wind Energy Resource Analysis Tool AWERA Lavinia Thimm, University of Bonn |
10.15-10.30 |
Estimation of Unknown Aerodynamic Forces of an AWE System Ahmad Hably, Grenoble-INP |
📹 Lessons Learned in Maturing Novel Renewables Kester Gunn, RWE Renewables |
📹 Towards flow-field characterization for AWES Mark Kelly, DTU
10.30-10.45 |
Iterative Learning-Based Kite Path Optimization for Maximum Energy Harvesting James Reed, North Carolina State University |
Fostering International collaboration within IEA Wind TCP Task 48 Stefanie Thoms, Airborne Wind Europe |
Practicalities of Site Selection for an Offshore AWE Demonstration: A Case Study for Ireland Inés Coca-Tagarro, BlueWise Marine |
10.45-11.00 |
Fault-tolerant Control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems with Quadrotor/Fixed-Wing UAV Configuration Tareg Mohammed, Politecnico di Milano |
True 3D high density webbing inflatable structures Rudo Enserink, |
Social Acceptance of Airborne Wind Energy Helena Schmidt, TU Delft |
11.00-11.20 |
Coffee Break - main hall |
Modeling and Control II |
Company Developments |
Aerodynamics and Structure I |
Chair: Manfred Quack |
Chair: Espen Oland |
Chair: Mac Gaunaa |
11.20-11.35 |
Kite Path-following with L0 and L1 Controllers Tested on a Small-scale Prototype Sérgio Vinha, Universidade do Porto |
First Airborne Wind Energy operation on a tropical island Joep Breuer, Kitepower BV |
Flying a rigid kite with a single tether attachment point Tallak Tveide, KiteMill |
Model Predictive Path-Following Control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems with Guaranteed Stability Manuel C.R.M. Fernandes, Universidade do Porto |
🚫 Polar Wind Highways Ignacio Oficialdegui, Windsled
High fidelity Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation of a Multi-megawatt Airborne Wind Energy Reference System Niels Pynaert, Ghent University |
🚫 Quantifying AWE Optimal Control Problem Tractability with Simple Vortex Models Rachel Leuthold, University of Freiburg |
Rotary Kite Turbine Development Roderick Read, Windswept and Interesting Ltd
Improving Lifting-Line/Vortex-Step Methods for Kite Applications using 2D Unsteady Thin Airfoil Theory Results Mac Gaunaa, DTU |
ICM-autoKite Project: Control approaches for an automated kite propulsion Franziska Hein, University of Stuttgart |
Technical Development in Kitemill Espen Oland, Kitemill AS
Combined Experimental and Numerical Aerodynamic Optimisation of High-Performance Rigid-Wing AWE Systems Denes Fischer, Technical University Berlin |
Automated Power Cycles in Daylong Operation at SkySails Test Site Manfred Quack, SkySails Power GmbH |
📹 Save Japan from a Future Social Crisis! "Mothership" Project Current Development Progress Eiji Itakura, Toyota Motor Corporation |
A Semi-Empirical Aerodynamic Model Based on Dynamic Stall for Rigid-Framed Delta Kites during Figure-of-Eight Maneuvers Iván Castro-Fernández , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
12.35-12.45 |
Conference group photograph - Outside Building 13 |
12.45-14.00 |
Lunch - Ground floor and outside |
13.15-14.00 |
European Academy of Wind Energy Technical Committee meeting - Room T.0.3 |
13.15-14.00 |
Live video transmission - TU Delft student team: Kite Power on an Electric Pickup Truck, |
14.00-15.30 |
Plenary Session II - Room Colombo (T.2.1) |
14.00-14.30 |
Stephan Wrage, Skysails Power GmbH |
OEM presentations: |
14.30-14.35 |
TwingTec's path to commercialization |
Rolf Luchsinger, TwingTec AG |
14.35-14.40 |
Kitekraft: Building Flying Wind Turbines |
Florian Bauer, kiteKRAFT GmbH |
14.40-15.15 |
Panel Discussion I moderated by Kristian Petrick, Airborne Wind Europe, with Alexander Bormann, Stephan Wrage, Rolf Luchsinger, Stephan Barth, Agustin Arjonilla, Florian Bauer and Rod Read |
15.15-15.30 |
Poster Spotlights I |
15.30-16.00 |
Coffee Break - main hall |
15.40-16.40 |
Poster Session I and Coffee Break (main hall) |
Magnus Effect Kites: Optimal Reel-Out Speeds for Cross-Wind Power Production and Early Simulation & Test Results Garrett Smith, Wind Fisher SAS |
Modelling and Sizing of a Hybrid Power Plant using Airborne Wind Energy Systems Sweder Reuchlin, TU Delft |
AirWing, a self-regulating control system for kites Ingo Mewes, Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch" Berlin |
Modeling and Control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems using Prandtl lifting line and actuator line/curve models Jean-Baptiste Crismer, Université catholique de Louvain |
Fatigue Life Optimized Electromechanical Tether Design for Multimegawatt AWE Stefan Neuhold, swiss inventix GmbH |
Economic Potential of applying Circular Economy to AWE Franco Vernazza, Draco Energia |
Using the Lidar-validated hindcast model NORA3 for resource estimates of airborne wind energy systems Jan Markus Diezel, University of Bergen |
An Efficient Optimal Control Method for Airborne Wind Energy Systems with a Large Number of Slowly Changing Subcycles Jakob Harzer, University of Freiburg |
Development of an Aeroelastic Simulation Framework for Leading Edge Inflatable Kites John Watchorn, TU Delft |
Modelling aeroelastic deformation of inflatable membrane kites Jelle Poland, TU Delft |
Production Cycle Optimization for Pumping Airborne Wind Energy Rodolfo Mathis, Politecnico di Milano |
Low and High Fidelity Aerodynamic Simulations for Airborne Wind Energy Box Wings Gabriel Buendia, TU Delft |
Multi element airfoil design for an AWE rigid kite Agustí Porta Ko, Kitemill and TU Delft |
16.45-18.00 |
Regular sessions |
Performance and optimization |
Techno-economic studies |
Prototyping and operation |
Chair: Lorenzo Fagiano |
Chair: Jochem Weber |
Chair: Corey Houle |
Power Smoothing in Utility-Scale Airborne Wind Energy Trajectory Optimization Jochem De Schutter, University of Freiburg
NREL Airborne Wind Energy Workshop and Technical Report 2021 Jochem Weber, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Status of UC3M Testbed for the Aerodynamic Characterization of Kites Applied to AWES Francisco De Los Ríos-Navarrete, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Power Losses Analysis of AWESs via a Novel Quasi-Analytical Dynamic Model Gregorio Pasquinelli, Politecnico di Milano |
Airborne Wind Energy for Sea Water Desalination: A Techno-Economic Study Mahdi E. Salari, University College Cork |
Maximizing visibility of AWE systems for airspace users Corey Houle, TwingTec AG |
Multidisciplinary design and optimization of fixed-wing AWESs Filippo Trevisi, Politecnico di Milano |
Life-Cycle Analysis of an Airborne Wind Energy System Kristian Petrick, Airborne Wind Europe |
🚫 Rotational Launch and Landing: Flight tests at EnerKite Christian Gebhardt, Enerkite GmbH |
Circular AWE Parks with High Ground Area Power Density Moritz Diehl, University of Freiburg |
A reference economic model for airborne wind energy systems Rishikesh Joshi, TU Delft |
SkyPower100 - Realization of a fully automatic AWES (100 kW) Patrick Junge, Skysails Power GmbH |
Optimal reeling control for pumping airborne wind energy systems without wind speed feedback Lorenzo Fagiano, Politecnico di Milano |
Energy Mix and Security Benefits of Airborne Wind Energy for Net Zero Will Kennedy Scott, Swift Airgen Ltd. |
Concepts for Obstruction Marking and Demand-Oriented Obstruction Avoidance to Ensure a Safe Operation of AWE Systems Nicole Allgaier, Enerkite GmbH |
Social Program - Thursday, 23 June 2022
Where: Osteria del Treno, Via S. Gregorio, 46, 20124 Milano MI
When: 19.00-22.00
Technical Program - Friday, 24 June 2022
Where: Leonardo Campus, Building 13 ("Trifoglio"), 2nd floor
8.35-9.40 |
Plenary Session III - Room Colombo (T.2.1) |
8.35-8.50 |
Kristian Petrick, Airborne Wind Europe, and Mike Blanch, BVG Associates |
8.55-9.40 |
Philip Bechtle, University of Bonn |
9.45-11.15 |
Regular sessions |
Modeling and Control III |
System Design |
Aerodynamics and Structure II |
Chair: Florian Bauer |
Chair: Oliver Tulloch |
Chair: Michael McWilliam |
Experimental Validation on Using Drones for the Take-off and Landing Phases of an AWE System Zakeye Azaki, Grenoble-INP |
Rotation compensator based cyclic pitch control for Rotary Airborne Wind Energy Systems Christof Beaupoil, someAWE Labs S.L. |
High-fidelity Tether Models for Airborne Wind Energy Michael McWilliam, DTU |
📹 Trajectory Tracking Controller Design and Simulation of a Tethered Aircraft Anıl Sami Önen, Middle East Technical University |
Design Analysis of a Rotary Airborne Wind Energy System Oliver Tulloch, University of Strathclyde
Analytical wake models for crosswind kites Mojtaba Kheiri, Concordia University
C++ Based Systems Engineering Framework as a Key Approach Towards Efficient, Reliable, and Autonomous Flying Wind Turbine Products Florian Bauer, kiteKRAFT GmbH |
Non-intrusive modeling of an AWE generator's bidirectional DC/DC converter Joey Naranjo, Kitenergy Srl |
An Entrainment-Based Model for Annular Wakes, with Applications to Airborne Wind Energy Sam Kaufman-Martin, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Julia Kite Power Tools Uwe Fechner, Aenarete - Smart Wind |
Drivetrain concepts for pumping airborne wind energy systems Rishikesh Joshi, TU Delft |
Aero-structural design tailoring of composite AWE wings Ashwin Candade, Enerkite GmbH |
Some modelling and control aspects of rotational starting and landing Maximilian Ranneberg, Enerkite GmbH
The ICM-autoKite Project: Developing an automated kite propulsion system for the KITE GAS/FUEL SHIP and economic green hydrogen production Klaus Heudorfer, University of Stuttgart |
The Daedalus project: AWE tether engineering method substantiated Rigo Bosman, RIGO Ropes |
Optimal flight path for Fly-Gen Airborne Wind Energy Systems Filippo Trevisi, Politecnico di Milano |
The Pyramid, a TRPT rethink Roderick Read, Windswept and Interesting Ltd |
Performance Investigation of Utility-Scale Airborne Wind Energy Farms using Large-Eddy Simulations Thomas Haas, KU Leuven |
11.15-11.40 |
Coffee Break - main hall |
11.40-12.40 |
Plenary Session IV - Room Colombo (T.2.1) |
11.40-12.25 |
Chris Vermillion, North Carolina State University |
12.25-12.40 |
Poster Spotlights II |
12.40-14.00 |
Lunch - Ground floor and outside |
13.30-14.00 |
Airborne Wind Europe members' meeting - Room T.0.3 |
14.00-15.15 |
Poster Session II and Coffee Break (main hall) |
On control of phase transitions in Airborne Wind Energy Systems Nicolas Kessler, Politecnico di Milano
KGM1 - A different approach to the Airborne Wind Energy technology Marco Ghivarello, GHIVA Prog. CAD |
Dynamics of tethered airborne wind energy systems Amar Fayyad K. Akberali, Concordia University |
Predictive Control of a Morphing Airborne Wind Energy System Jacob B. Fine, North Carolina State University
Ground Station Control of an Airborne Wind Energy System in a Complete Operational Cycle Ali Arshad Uppal, Universidade do Porto |
Open-source parametric FE meshing tool for fixed-wing AWE kites Dylan Eijkelhof, TU Delft |
Airborne Wind Energy Farm Layout and Optimization Luís A.C. Roque, Universidade do Porto |
Swinging Motion of a Flexible Membrane Kite with Suspended Control Unit During Turning Maneuvers Mark Schelbergen, TU Delft |
Achieving ultralight, rigid, durable, low-cost composite AWE kites with efficient design and manufacturing Florian Breipohl, Enerkite GmbH
Annual Wind Resource Assessment for an Airborne Wind Energy System Anıl Edgar Uriel Solís-Magallanes, Metropolitan Polytechnic University of Hidalgo |
Design of an Airborne Wind Energy System for Mars Habitats Mario Rodriguez, TU Delft and DTU |
Fast Aeroelastic Model of a Leading-Edge Inflatable Kite Uri Cayon, TU Delft and DTU |
15.15-16.00 |
Plenary Session V - Room Colombo (T.2.1) |
OEM presentations: |
15.15-15.20 |
Kitepower's journey to the Islands and beyond |
Johannes Peschel, Kitepower BV |
15.20-15.25 |
Kitemill - commercial development |
15.25-15.30 |
A Multidimensional Trade-off |
Gian Mauro Maneia, Kitenergy Srl |
15.30-16.00 |
Panel Discussion II moderated by Kristian Petrick, Airborne Wind Europe, with Mike Blanch, Jochem Weber, Gian Mauro Maneia, Johannes Peschel, Asgeir Løno |
16.00-16.15 |
Farewell |
Registration package: A welcome desk to collect the registration package will be available in the following times:
• 15.30-18.00 on 22 June 2022 close to the Wind Tunnel Facility, Bovisa Campus, Building B19
• 8.30-16.00 on 23 June 2022 in the main hall, Leonardo Campus, Building 13 ("Trifoglio"), 2nd floor
• 8.30-14.00 on 24 June 2022 in the main hall, Leonardo Campus, Building 13 ("Trifoglio"), 2nd floor